Crazy Skates Rolla Roller Skates for Boys and Girls – Great Beginner Kids Quad Skates

(1109 customer reviews)


The Crazy Rolla skate with its stylish design will certainly make your little skater smile when they put them on. Perfect for the beginner skater!


The Rolla is a perfect skate for boys and girls to get a started on. They are made of high quality materials to ensure a wonderful skating experience, including ABEC 5 bearings and a high impact plate on the bottom of the sole. They will provide a stable platform for your child to learn and become confident to create a lifelong passion for the healthy activity of roller skating.

These Rolla skates for boys and girls have polyurethane wheels (not hard plastic) and toe stops that are designed to perform great on indoor and outdoor surfaces. Let your child get out there and roll on a wonderful pair of these cool design skates.

The sneaker style skate is designed with comfort in mind. A padded inside to provide good support for a wonderful skating experience.

They are available in a variety of colors with color coordinating wheels and laces. These skates look just as good as they perform.

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Crazy Skates

1109 reviews for Crazy Skates Rolla Roller Skates for Boys and Girls – Great Beginner Kids Quad Skates

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